
Alright, this is like my 5th draft, and whenever I wanted to start a topic like this, I am not sure if I am able to express myself clear enough. And I from this post, I would like you to understand what my thoughts are on drugs. So bear with me.

When I was a kid, drugs are drugs, and everyone knows how bad it is. It’s very hard to get it, and all the stories and news I as a kid read or saw was about heroine, or crack. The only people who get access to this stuff are extremely violent people who always get involved in gangs. Typical high class activities played out in loki events; nothing epic

Breaking bad 2

However, when I came here, I realized the differences. Drugs are not all the same, and people have very distinct attitudes towards the two types of drugs out there: hard, or casual. It’s funny how I used the word casual, but that is the best way to describe stuff like weed/marijuana. It’s the stuff you do when you are being simply, ‘casual’. And as you may know, most of our friends at least smoked or are still smoking these type of substances. They explain to me how people shouldn’t make it a ‘big deal’ (I am talking about the casual drugs here; it’s a totally different story with hard drugs):

1. They are less harmful than smoking cigarettes! For those of you who still think this is true, please check out this link; this is the newest study done by Montreal researchers. Please don’t argue with me unless you have read the article and understand everything. I am not saying that it’s more harmful than smoking, and I do not know that–it can be true or not true–for sure. I am simply saying that the ‘natural substances’ that grew in the ground may not be as harmless as you think.

2. “Dude, it’s like drinking or playing computer games man! It’s a hobby simply, and I have the freedom to do that!” Sure, I agree that it can be a hobby for people, and even if you don’t get addicted to it, it’s part of your freedom that you desire. The reason I believe that drugs are labeled as illegal is because it has a higher chance to cause others of harm. And see, here is what gets tricky. If the law is to solely provide protection for the public, then does a person smoking weed in a private setting disturb anyone else? It depends. Since drugs cause people to react differently for different people, it is hard to argue whether if this is true. That is, some people would just sit there like they just broke up with their girlfriend and he is ‘watching’ all the clips of their time together from the beginning to the end, some  stare at sources of light as if he is staring at the love of his life, and some, and I do not know the percentage of people acting this way, go nuts, causing damages to other people, or self. However, in a society where suicide is not illegal, self harming seems to be more of a moral issue rather than legal issue. And since I am going from a legal point of view, let’s keep it that way for now. It is the harm that potentially may cause for others that is really the issue here. And since these drugs, even the casual ones, will almost always be consumed with something else–alcohol, etc. It is likely to have a mixed effects. Plus, the high potential being a gateway drug–sometimes, your best ‘buddy’ can trick you to take stuff you don’t want, and destroy your life, cuz all you need is that one time, the potential harm with even casual drugs can be potentially higher than alcohol or smoke–considering the biggest harm to society is the potential second hand problems, and I am NOT saying smoking is good, I personally is against smoking, 100%. There are also problems arose from gangs, and other violence. But some argue that the not legalizing is the cause of those violence, as the high profit is the key, but not drugs itself. I only agree half of it.

3. “Hey look, I don’t know what it does to me, but first I enjoy it, and second, I only smoke like 2 times per month. MAXIMUM!” My friend, all bad things start with little effort–just like how bad words travel quicker than good ones. Smoking 2 times per month does not make a huge difference in my opinion. As long as you do it, you have a chance of getting addicted.

From these reading, you are probably understanding where I place my ‘opinion card’ on the drug table.

As of hard drugs, I don’t even need to tell you how you shouldn’t do it, because it’s just stupid. Pure stupidity. The purpose of becoming a human being is not to be stupid and poison yourself until you lose yourself, physically, then slowly, mentally.


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